Thursday, April 15, 2010 sandwiches

First and foremost, Love is a bitch. And once you are at peace with that one truth life will become a whole lot easier.

But more than that...Love is sandwiches and here is why...

When people fall in love they generally do so with reckless abandon. They take all the hurt, all the pain from past experiences and banish it to the furthest corner of their minds so that they may be undisturbed in the pursuit of their new love. They ignore the naysayers because they know this time it will be different. This person is the one they've been waiting for, the one who will turn their life around in all the most glorious ways.

Inevitably, they are not. Maybe it lasts for a year, maybe a night, maybe not even that. But chances are it will all come crashing down. And when it does all those past experiences and all that pain you tried so hard to forget comes rushing back. And it rushes back with such a force that it crushes you entirely. You hate them. You hate yourself. And you hate everyone who is in love. You swear you will never be that sucker again.

Now consider sandwiches.

You've been thinking about this sandwich all day. You're craving it, going mad for it. You think about all the things you could do, all the ways this sandwich is going to make you happy. You think about the last sandwich you, it wasn't very good, maybe it was downright awful. But you can fix it, you won't make the same mistakes again. This will be the sandwich to end all sandwiches. It will look amazing, it will taste amazing, it will fill the hole inside you, it will be everything you need to make you happy.

And then you eat the sandwich. And maybe it was good, maybe it was everything you dreamed of, maybe it was slightly less, and maybe it was downright heartbreakingly bad. But no matter how good it was, it won't last forever and inevitably your sandwich will be gone.

But do you pine? Do you sob uncontrollably over your lost sandwich? Do you give dirty looks to all those enjoying their sandwiches?


Because as much as you loved that sandwich, you knew it couldn't last. But you are grateful you had it. Even if it wasn't so good. Now you know what to do better next time. You know you're limits now. Just because your sandwich didn't last forever doesn't mean it didn't count.

Love, like a sandwich, is a fleeting thing. It probably won't last forever. But savour the mouthfuls, relish the moments, remember the way it made you feel. Because one day there will be another sandwich. And it will surpass this sandwich is ways you can't even dream of. And you will wonder why you ever wanted this sandwich to begin with.

And let's be honest. This sandwich was a bit of a douchebag anyway.

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